Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Snacks for the student-athlete: for the home, car, dorm or workout bag

It's that time of year - back to school time! That means many student athletes are back in full swing with training as well. Crucial to success in workouts is timing of intake before and after practice. Eating only three meals per day is not enough. Snacks are a must to ensure muscles are fueled pre-workout and recovering post-workout. Whether at home, in the car, in the dorm or heading to practice, here are is a list of great performance-enhancing snack components to have on hand (both perishable and non-perishable).

Cheese sticks
Babybel cheese
Individual yogurt containers (non-fat...Greek or regular)
Fresh fruit - especially packable fruit such as apples, peaches, pears, oranges and nectarines
Baby carrots
Better yet just buy a pre-cut veggie tray and put at eye level in the fridge
Individual containers of hummus & pretzels (available at most grocery stores)
100% fruit juice boxes
Low-fat chocolate: both large container and individual sized to take out the door

Whole grain bread, bagels, or English muffins

Bars: Clif Mojo, Powerbar Nut Naturals, Powebar Recovery, Nature Valley crunchy, Kind, Balance Bar, Bonk Breaker, Pure Organic, Zing Bar, Luna bars, Larabars
Trail mix: Should include dried fruit and nuts (skip the chocolate - it can melt)
"Naked" brand granola
Kashi Go-Lean Crunch
Peanut or almond butter
Tuna packets
Fig Newtons
Fat-Free microwave popcorn or make your own from kernel
Instant oatmeal
Whole-grain crackers such as Triscuits or Kashi TLC

Go to a school where snacking in class or in the hallway is not allowed? Did you know that you can get a doctor's note to allow for this? Athletes NEED to snack. Make it a priority.

Be Extraordinary,


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