Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Eating Disorder in Sport

I now have a second office located at The Awakening Center at 3523 N Lincoln Ave Chicago, IL 60657-1137. At this location, I will be seeing a greater proportion of clients struggling with eating disorders. Eating disorders (ED) are a very real problem in the United States. Approximately 11 million Americans suffer from an ED and nearly half of all Americans personally know someone with an ED. In fact, anorexia is the 3rd most common chronic illness among adolescents. Unfortunately, only 1 in 10 men and women with ED receive treatment (1).

Eating disorders are particularly prominent within the world of sports - especially in those sports which place an emphasis on appearance and weight, such as gymanstics, wrestling, figure skating, dancing and diving. One Norwegian study found that 20% of female elite athletes and 9% of male elite athletes fit criteria for an eating disorder (2). Increased prevelance of ED in athletes is not too surprising, considering the fact that athletes possess similar psychological traits as those with eating disorders, such as perfectionism, high self-expectations, competitiveness, compulsiveness, drive, and body image distortion (3).

Because of these facts, I thought it fitting that I share with you my personal philosphy and approach when working with those suffering from ED (athlete or not). Becoming a Mindful Eater was posted in The Awakening Center blog. Please click on the link to view the article.

If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder and you live in the Chicago area, I encourage you set up an appointment with myself and/or a therapist at The Awakening Center by calling (773) 929-6262. My extension is 24.

Be Extraordinary,


1. Eating Disorders Coalition. Facts About Eating Disorders: What the Research Shows
2. Sungot-Borgen, J. Torstveit, M.K. (2004) Prevalence of ED in Elite Athletes is Higher than in the General Population. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 14(1), 25-32.
3. Bachner-Melman, R., Zohar, A, Ebstein, R, 2006. How Anorexic-like are the Symptom and Personality Profiles of Aesthetic Athletes? Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 38 No 4. 628-636

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