Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Black Friday Deals & Thanksgiving Tips

Hopefully by now most of you have checked out of school or work and are on your way to spend a great weekend with family and friends. As you celebrate Thanksgiving, here are three tips to help you stay focused on your goals while still enjoying the holiday.

1. Start the morning with a solid workout.
I'm not talking about an epic 15-mile run, 60-mile bike, or 2-hour lift (unless you're actually trying to get AWAY from visiting family). How about 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity to get your heart rate up? Or perhaps sign up for a Turkey Day 5K or 10K race. Think of it as prepping your body for the "race of Thanksgiving dinner"....though hopefully it's not actually a race at your house.

2. Eat a normal breakfast and lunch.
That's right - eat normally throughout the day in preparation for the "big meal". Fasting all day so you can "eat extra turkey and stuffing" will do the opposite of what you hope. Fasting confuses your body, slowing down your metabolism and chewing up muscle. You'll arrive to the meal famished and end up overeating even more than you plan to. And don't worry about not being "hungry enough" because you ate during the day. Once you smell the turkey, I'm sure you will have no problem having an appetite for dinner.

3. Practice mindful eating during the main event.
What is mindful eating? It means being completely cognicant of everything you are seeing, tasting, and smelling at the table. It means enjoying the time spent with family as much as the food you are eating. It means being aware of your appetite - realizing when you're full enough to stop. But most of all, it means allowing yourself to enjoy the meal because this is a once a year treat. Choose foods that you don't get every day. Growing up, I used to never eat white mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving because I ate them all the time. I would instead only eat yams. Now the complete opposite is true. Sure, yams pack a more powerful nutritional punch, but big deal! I never get white potatoes! It's Thanksgiving!

And after you wake up from the "turkey coma", go to my website on Friday, November 25th for some big-time Black Friday deals. I'll be offering:

-30-50% off of one initial individual consult
-Buy one follow-up consult, get one half off
-50% off one supplement review

Have you been putting off scheduling a consult for yourself or perhaps referring an athlete who you know needs a nutritional overhaul? Here is your chance! Don't miss these deals - you won't see anything like this again soon!

May you and yours have a wonderful holiday and be thankful for the blessings of this past year.

Be Extraordinary,


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